LabVIEW Programming Basics

LabVIEW Programming Basics

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In this post, we will look at a tool that can aid with both testing and data collection. LabVIEW is the name of the software.

  • LabVIEW means Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench.
  • LabVIEW is a programming language that is graphical in nature.
  • Jeff Kodosky invented LabVIEW. He invented it at National Instruments.
  • Scientists, engineers, and other domain specialists have traditionally utilized it to swiftly construct systems.
  • LabVIEW applications are referred to as VIs. VI is an abbreviation for Virtual Instrument. 1.png
  1. Having a graphical interface makes programming in LabView simple.
  2. It is excellent for simulations.
  3. A user will be able to demonstrate how data flows within a virtual instrument.
  4. Convenient for generic programming
  5. The fundamentals of programming can be introduced.
  6. Completely adaptable in terms of constructing a virtual instrument based on your specifications.
  7. You may quickly adjust the virtual instruments whenever you need to.

LabVIEW is a visual programming application development environment. The LabVIEW environment is used to create, debug, and manage programs written in the graphical programming language 'G.'

  • Front Panel: It is application's user interface. User interface elements called Controls and Indicators are available on the Controls Palette.
  • Block Diagram: It is application's code. Code elements including Primitives, VIs, and Express VIs are available on the Functions Palette.

In this portion of the article, we shall compare and contrast common vocabulary used in conventional languages with LabVIEW nomenclature. 8.png



There are 4 ways that software developed with LabVIEW interacts with the real world (all requiring hardware with an appropriate processor on board (either desktop PC-based or SoC (System-On-Chip) based):

  • A GUI – either with a standard monitor or touch panel.
  • Interfacing with lab equipment/instruments (e.g. through GPIB, Ethernet, USB, PCI, RS-422) – for example power supplies, power meters, multi-meters, spectrum analyzers, oscilloscopes, switch matrices, and signal generators.
  • Measuring a signal with NI hardware (analog or digital) – for example temperature, pressure, vibration, current, load, voltage, flow, light, acoustics, force, location/orientation, vision, humidity/moisture, RF emissions, and magnetic field.
  • Controlling a signal with NI hardware (analog or digital) – for example motor control, actuator control, or mass-flow controllers.

LabVIEW can run on any of these platforms:

  • A Windows-based PC
  • A Windows-based PXI
  • An NI CompactRIO
  • An NI Single-Board RIO (including the NI SOM)

The most widespread misconception about LabVIEW is that you can open it and start developing robust apps straight immediately. You can absolutely create something right immediately, but you wouldn't want to rely on it not having flaws, crashing, or being updated in the future. It is a complicated language, comparable to other text-based languages.

Users may still utilize traditional programming languages to automate testing and handle data collection, but the amount of work required to do so is much higher when compared to LabVIEW. Using its user interface and graphical programming language, execution may be completed in less time while maintaining quality and productivity. Using this sophisticated tool will undoubtedly assist users in handling their data processing and data display more wisely.

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