Fun Coding😍 with ARDUINO UNO for Beginners

Fun Coding😍 with ARDUINO UNO for Beginners

This blog post is for beginners who want to learn Arduino coding. I recommend to use TinkerCad platform for running these codes as it is a virtual platform where one can make circuits and write codes. It's very interesting platform to learn Arduino coding.

Let's start with very simple codes.

Code 1: To blink an LED using Arduino UNO

  • LED has 2 terminals- cathode & anode.
  • Connect Cathode (-) terminal to GND pin of Arduino board and anode terminal to any digital pin ( I connected to pin 13) 1.png
void setup()
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);

void loop()
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
  delay(1000); // Wait for 1000 millisecond(s)
  digitalWrite(13, LOW);
  delay(1000); // Wait for 1000 millisecond(s)

Run the code after connecting LED to Arduino. LED will start blinking after delay of 1 sec.


Code 2: Blink multiple LEDs one by one

Connect positive terminals of LEDs to digital pins of your choice via resistors. Connect all the negative terminals to GND pin.

void setup()  
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);  
  pinMode(8, OUTPUT);  
  pinMode(4, OUTPUT);  
void loop()  
 // the first LED is made to blink one time  
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH);  
  delay(1000); // delay time in milliseconds  
  digitalWrite(13, LOW);  
  // the second LED will blink two times  
  digitalWrite(8, HIGH);  
  delay(500); // the duration is 0.5 seconds  
  digitalWrite(8, LOW);  
  digitalWrite(8, HIGH);  
  digitalWrite(8, LOW);  
   // the third LED will blink three times  
  for( int i = 0; i < 3; i = i +1 )  
  digitalWrite(4, HIGH);  
  digitalWrite(4, LOW);  
    // We can adjust the delay time accordingly  

Output will be like this- 2.png

Code 3: Vibration sensor vibrates when any obstacle is coming near Ultrasonic sensor

  • Vibration sensor has two terminals - positive and negative
  • Ultrasonic sensor has 4 pins -VCC, trig, Echo, GND.
  • It will work when the distance is less than 100 cm / 1 meter.
  • Connect the modules as shown in following circuit diagram. 3.png
const int UltrasonicTrig1 = 11;
const int UltrasonicEcho1 = 12;
const int Indicator = 10;

void setup() {
  pinMode(UltrasonicTrig1, OUTPUT);  
  pinMode(UltrasonicEcho1, INPUT);
  pinMode(Indicator, OUTPUT); 
long duration1; 
long cm1;

void loop()
  digitalWrite(UltrasonicTrig1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(UltrasonicTrig1, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(UltrasonicTrig1, LOW);
  duration1 = pulseIn(UltrasonicEcho1, HIGH);
  cm1 = microsecondsKeCenti(duration1);
  Serial.print("Sensor 1 : ");
  Serial.print(" cm");
  Serial.print(" || ");
 // if the distance less than 100 cm / 1 meter
  if (cm1 <= 100) 
    digitalWrite(Indicator, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(Indicator, LOW);
    Serial.print(" Save");
  Serial.println(" || "); 
long microsecondsKeCenti(long microseconds)
  return microseconds / 29 / 2;

When distance is less than 100 cm, vibration sensor will start vibrating. 3.png

Happy coding! Fun coding😊💯

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