A Quick Guide to Beacon Technology 📋

A Quick Guide to Beacon Technology 📋

Since its debut by Apple in 2013, beacon technology has gone a long way.

Hello readers !! In this blog post, I will let you introduce with Beacon Technology.

Topics to be covered 👇


What is a Beacon? 🧐

  • Beacons are small wireless transmitters that provide signals to other nearby smart devices.
  • Beacon makes use of Bluetooth Low Energy.
  • Small lithium chip batteries or connected electricity, such as USB connections, are commonly used to power beacons.



Range of Beacons 👀

A beacon's range can be modified and varies depending on the device type and signal strength. With a wireless signal, you may broadcast material up to 60 metres for the most common versions, but up to 100 metres for beacons with better transmission capability.


Image source : SourceOne Events

What is the appearance of a beacon? 🤷‍♀️

Beacons are available in a wide range of shapes, sizes, colours, and materials. It does not matter if they are accelerometers, temperature sensors, or one-of-a-kind add-ons; they all give out a signal.


What is the mode of communication used by a beacon?

The beacon transmits out its ID numbers every 10 seconds (sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on its settings). A nearby Bluetooth-enabled device, such as your phone, picks up on that signal. When a dedicated app detects it, it associates it with an action or piece of content saved in the cloud and displays it to the user. You may "teach" your app how to respond to a beacon signal using third-party technologies.

Basic Use-case of Beacons

  • Step 1: The user enters the search words "clever black shoes."
  • Step 2: Your Google search advertisement appears.
  • Step 3: The user clicks on the search ad, then browses the product before closing their phone.
  • Step 4: This person decides they want to try on the shoes before purchasing, so they enter your store.
  • Step 5: When they enter the store, their phone detects an identification from the beacon.
  • Step 6: The beacon detects that this phone is the same one that clicked on your search ad and associates this information with your Google Ads account as a "store visit."

Advantages of Beacon Technology

  • 💥They are easy to install and place, and they can be connected to any location or item as long as they follow a few guidelines to prevent interfering with the signal's transmission.
  • 💥They have a wider range of action than NFC, allowing for broader coverage and easier device access, but a narrower range than GPS, allowing for higher precision and lower energy consumption even inside.

Final Thoughts on Beacon Technology...............

It's hard to say 🤞how widely beacon technology will be used; the technology is still in its infancy and has seen a number of failures. The launch of beacons was met with a lot of excitement and promise, but they did not take off as planned. We may expect more firms to embrace the technology as a result of Google's recent initiatives to make the platform agnostic and programming easier for developers. Finally, beacons will help you better identify your target audience, as well as support and complement your other marketing activities.

About the Author👩‍🎓

Pavandeep Kaur this side. I am pursuing Masters in CSE (Cloud Computing in collaboration with Virtusa) from Chandigarh University. I am a technical content creator. If you found this article helpful, you can support me via Buy me a Coffee

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