TWEEDLE WITH FUN: an educational tool
Make a beginner App using Android and Parse Server
Hello readers!!
As we know that with the development in technology, social networking sites are booming day-by-day which results that students are wasting their precious time scrolling up and down the pages in these social media sites. Isn't it true?
So, last year I came up with an idea of making an app whom I named "Tweedle
I already published a review paper on this, but I would also like to publish an article on this here on my Hashnode blog.
✔It is an android application build in such a way that a student follows their friends, teachers, scholars, graduates, and post-graduates.
✔It is somehow working as Twitter.
✔Even this is also an interesting way of learning because a student will be eager to know the different answers to his problem. By using this application students use social media by not wasting the time.
- Android Studio 3.5
- Database ~Parse Server (Back4App) `
Tweedle is a communication tool that highlights some of the interesting facts. Children will be able to share their opinion and homework. Its user interface is very interactive which does not require any prerequisites.
In today’s world, our life revolves around likes, followers, interests, and comments. Tweedle will help in establishing different educational communities and students can join those for enhancing their knowledge and for gaining world-class education that too with varied opinions and from people living in distinct places.
Firstly, students sign up for this application, make new friends, and post different problems that are not understood by them. Then, people from different backgrounds who are known for that problem will answer the questions.
Hash tags can help you to directly jump on a particular topic you searched for and it will be an important medium of communication as it can inform, warn, and enlighten people about their educational interests. But perhaps, it can be better described as a broadcasting tool.
Different applications are present in the market but one major benefit of this application is that it does not have a
character limit
, now you don’t have to think about information before circulating, you can freely type it. The benefits may seem endless when considering the power of a free communication tool being implemented by low-budget establishments such as educational institutions and non-profit organizations.
Guided by the exploration questions, the accompanying incorporation models were applied:
- The exact exploration must be led with Twitter.
- The observational exploration must incorporate exact discoveries with genuine information.
So to respond to the above inquiries, I built up an application utilizing Android.
- At first, I presented the Android studio 3.5 and Parse server on our PC.
- From that point forward, make an arrangement in Gradle and design a venture in android and make android code and associate that with the database.
- When there is a legitimate association then we will set module application and compose a code for building Gradle.
- For connecting the application in cell phone, I associated the Android code with the portable through information link and run the code and the application will run in cell phone.
package com.example.twitter;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.Toast;
import com.parse.ParseException;
import com.parse.ParseInstallation;
import com.parse.ParseUser;
import com.parse.SignUpCallback;
Here is the look of Database (Parse Server)
Here is the look of login and sign up page and how does the UI look when we sign up for an account or if we have an account, login interface appears in front of our screen.
Here Green Ticks show that I have followed these profiles.
The use of social media apps represents that how students are trading off investigations because of absence of happiness in the lectures. With the progression of time, students are collaborating with the teachers by means of online media as they think that it’s fascinating. Our examination pointed toward making such an environment for the students by building up an android application which will go about as a wellspring of reward not only during lectures but also afterwards. I trust that this simple app will advance further research among researchers keen on utilizing Twitter for learning as well as teaching purposes.