Life Of Coders 😂(Part 1)

Life Of Coders 😂(Part 1)

Life would be much easier if I have the Source Code

The life of a coder is complicated. Sleepless hours, lots and lots of coffee, and dozens of lines of code Guys, it's time to relax and enjoy some coding fun. Let's dive into the world of coders.


Debugging is like an Onion. There are multiple layers to it, and the more you peel them back, the more likely you are going to start crying at inappropriate times.

99 bugs in the code -> Take 1 bug down -> 100 bugs in the code.


Normal Person v/s Coder



Hide and Seek Champions

And the award 🏆 goes to - 
Missing parenthesis -> }
Missing semicolon->  ;


When StackOverFlow is the only Hope


  • Just copy the code from StackOverFlow and paste it. That's it 🤷‍♀️
  • It is not a problem to copy the code from stack overflow; however, make sure you understand the code before copying it so that it does not interfere with your main function (my personal advice😌 )

Which type of Coder you are?

bug.png Hope you enjoyed! 😊 Tell me in comment section which type of coder you are.

Happy Coding 💜

Images from : Pinterest