First of all, both the tags are used in HTML for formatting.
In simple language, both are used to make the text bold.
Both tags are used to apply bold visual effect to the text.
Strong tag semantically emphasizes on the important word or section of words. The only difference is syntax.
Consider the following example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>b tag</title>
body {
h1 {
color: red;
a <strong>blogging platform</strong>
for those who love to write
<b>Hashnode:</b> a platform for publishing articles
Now have a look on the output. When it comes to show the importance of the word “blogging platform” we used <strong> tag. Here we are strongly emphasizing on the important word.
And when it comes to just bold the text like "Hashnode", we used <b> tag.
I hope it will be helpful.